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Biostimulants - A natural stimulant for increased growth and yields

As the term biostimulant suggests, these are a combination of substances usually consisting of biological or organic material (bio) and the stimulating effects associated with these substances (stimulants), which improve crop development, growth and resistance to plant stress factors.

The organic material in biostimulants is usually made up of microorganisms, humic and fulvic acids, amino acids and peptides, bioidentical and anorganic substances and algae precursors.

Our boncrop biostimulants are made from brown algae (Ascophyllum nodosum). Our granulated boncrop solid also contains microorganisms, such as our patented fungal strain from the genus Trichoderma.

Grow deep roots with boncrop

Simply put ...

The European Biostimulant Industry Council defines biostimulants: “Biostimulants for crops contain substances or microorganisms that are applied to crops or the rhizosphere and whose function is to stimulate the natural processes that encourage nutrient absorption and efficiency, boost tolerance of abiotic stress and improve crop quality.”

What biostimulants are not ...

Biostimulants are not a replacement for crop fertilisation and/or protection. Nor does their use merely guarantee greater yields and better quality crops.

HOWEVER, biostimulants have a beneficial effect on plants and their development, particularly if crops are being grown under suboptimal conditions and in stressful situations. This has been proven in many scientific investigations, studies and exact and practical tests.

Biostimulants - the legal situation in the European Union

The product group of biostimulants is the generic term for a new and complementary category of resources. Although they are neither plant protection products nor fertilisers, they are subject to the EU’s Fertilising Products Regulation (2019/1009). Biostimulants are specifically excluded from the scope of the Plant Protection Product Regulation (EC 1107/2009) since their way of working is different to that of standard plant protection products.

Under the new EU Fertilising Products Regulation (2019/1009), biostimulants have been uniformly and legally defined for the first time. Since the regulation came into force in July 2022, biostimulants have been able to be sold throughout Europe as independent fertiliser products.

boncrop products fulfil the conditions for biostimulants:

  • boncrop is of biological origin and consists of organic matter
  • bonrop biostimulants have a stimulating effect on crops with regard to their development, growth and stress resistance - as shown by exact trials with boncrop, among others
  • boncrop biostimulants are a cornerstone of integrated crop production
  • boncrop is an algae preparation. In addition to alginic acid, boncrop solid also contains the micronutrients boron and zinc and the microorganism Trichoderma. boncrop flow contains alginic acid, plant amino acid and humic acid.
  • boncrop biostiumlants are subject to the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (2019/1009) and belongs to the new product category (PFC) 6 - plant biostimulant.

Discover our complete range of biostimulants

  • Solid Big Bag 2x1 Claim englisch

    boncrop solid

    The granulated biostimulant for a quick start with additional living microorganisms and beneficial ingredients
    • Protect against stress, especially during juvenile development
    • Ensures efficient root growth right from the start
    • Promotes strong and healthy plants
    Learn more
  • Flow Kanister 2x1 Claim englisch

    boncrop flow

    Liquid biostimulant designed for spraying. Contains beneficial biostimulants to fortify plants from the inside out
    • Promotes abiotic stress tolerance
    • Supports assimilation rate, root formation and nutrient uptake
    • Can be easily combined with all common planz protection measures
    Learn more