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boncrop solid in maize

Trichoderma makes all the difference!

boncrop solid supports a range of application goals in maize.

The interaction between Trichoderma and Ascophyllum nodosum optimises the nutrient availability and intake of the young maize crops, boosts resistance and increases stress tolerance.

Trichoderma and young maize crops

Young maize plants enter into a symbiotic relationship with Trichoderma. This provides several benefits to young maize plants:

  • Fungal spores can effectively inhibit pathogenic microorganisms
  • Trichoderma also exhibits a stress priming effect: it prompts crops to generate defence and messenger substances prior to infestation.
  • The fungus supplies the maize crop with the phytohormone auxin (an "elongation hormone"). This boosts the growth of young crops and supports rapid row closure, among other benefits.

Your advantages and benefits with boncrop solid

Mais Advantages
I An ideal combination of biostimulant algae components, including alginic acid, plus the living microorganism Trichoderma and essential micronutrients such as boron and zinc, comprehensively covers micronutrient needs Zinc plays a crucial role in the healthy growth of young crops. Boron supports pollen and fruit development and helps increase yields.
I Improves phosphate availability Thanks to the stimulation of root growth, the available phosphate can be better “tapped into”.
I Secures higher yields even without or with minimal under-root fertilisation No impact on the fertiliser balance, higher yields
I Easy to use Easy to handle thanks to the big bags, can be combined with the maize seeding
I Can easily be combined with organic fertilisers In just one work step, boncrop solid, with micronutrients zinc and boron, creates optimal starting conditions for germination, root growth and the development of young crops.

Insights from boncrop solid practical demonstrations

The varieties treated with boncrop solid exhibit increased root growth and heavier ear weights.

64 Impressionen boncrop Praxisdemos 2023 03 64 Impressionen boncrop Praxisdemos 2023 02_test 64 Impressionen boncrop Praxisdemos 2023 01

boncrop solid in exact tests

Naturally, exact tests are carried out by our GEP-certified test provider on boncrop solid. Over the last few years, boncrop solid results in maize have consistently shown yield increases.

Solid exact test maize 2023

In maize trials using boncrop solid at the Huntlosen site in Lower Saxony in 2023, an additional yield of 8% was achieved for grain maize, and an additional 10% was harvested when using boncrop solid on silage maize at the same site in 2022.

Solid exact test maize 2022