84 Nahaufnahme Rapsbluete

Biostimulants for rapeseed

Resistance to stress with boncrop flow

boncrop flow is also effective with rapeseed and reduces yield losses

Up to 70% of its yield is established by the cruciferous rapeseed before winter, which is why focusing on pre-winter development is particularly important.

Your advantages and benefits with boncrop flow

Raps Advantages
I Treatment before winter Better root growth (taproots) increases tolerance to cold and ensures rapid budding after the dormant season
I Treatment in spring Optimal support of crops’ metabolic process, photosynthesis, roots, nutrient and water intake and stress tolerance
I Contributes to pod stability Greater flexibility with harvesting dates, reduction of yield losses

boncrop flow in exact tests

GEP-certified test providers carry out exact tests using boncrop flow. Over the last few years, boncrop flow results in rapeseed have consistently demonstrated yield increases.

Flow exact test with rapeseed 2023

In the exact trial with boncrop flow in winter rapeseed, there was a 7% increase in the harvested yield at the Bamberg site in 2023. In a similar trial in 2022, an additional yield of 5% was achieved in winter rapeseed at the Huntlosen site.

Both exact trials clearly show a significant increase in yield (on different sites and across several consecutive years).

Flow exact test with rapeseed 2022

Perfect timing and quantity

We recommend using boncrop flow on rapeseed
on two different dates:

  • One treatment before winter:

boncrop flow must be applied to growing crops, this means that a treatment must be applied at least two weeks before the crops’ winter dormant season. 70% of a rapeseed crop’s yield is determined before winter, therefore the plants should head into their dormant season being as strong as possible.

  • With the treatment in spring:

boncrop flow must be applied to growing crops. This will enable them to achieve a high degree of tolerance to abiotic stress and result in high and good-quality yields.

  • Recommended application rate: 
  1. in autumn: 1 l/ha from BBCH 14
  2. in spring: 2 l/ha between BBCH 33-35
Rapeseed under normal conditions